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Science Meets Business: Innovation series

The ANSTO Innovation Series is a live and virtual meet-up that focuses on the key capacities of ANSTO’s people, partners and facilities and how they are meeting global challenges in sustainable industries, medicine, advanced manufacturing and in accelerating small business.

ANSTO Publications Online (APO)

ANSTO Library

ANSTO Publications Online is a digital repository for publications authored by ANSTO staff and collaborators since 1956.

Little forest legacy site

Little forest legacy site

ANSTO is responsible for the Little Forest Legacy Site (LFLS) located within the ANSTO Buffer Zone boundary. This site, formerly known as the Little Forest Burial Ground (LFBG), was used by the Australian Atomic Energy Commission (AAEC) during the 1960’s to dispose of waste containing low levels of radioactivity and beryllium oxide (non-radioactive) in a series of shallow trenches. There has been regular monitoring of the site since 1966 and the results have been reported in ANSTO’s environmental monitoring reports.

ANSTO aerial


ANSTO is one of Australia’s largest public research organisations and is widely recognised as an international player in the field of nuclear science and technology.

Aerial image of ANSTO's Lucas Heights facility

Statement of Intent

In May 2023, The Honourable Dr Annabelle Bennett, ANSTO Board Chair, shared ANSTO's Statement of Intent with the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology.

Australian Synchrotron

The Australian Synchrotron

A world-class national research facility that uses accelerator technology to produce a powerful source of light-X rays and infrared radiation a million times brighter than the sun.

Partnerships at ANSTO


ANSTO works in partnerships and collaborative ventures with national and international organisations. Partner with ANSTO.

IAEA acknowledges Australia’s nuclear expertise and stewardship during visit

ANSTO showcased its significant contribution to security, safety, and public health during a visit of the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi, Minister for Industry and Science Ed Husic, Australian Ambassador to Austria Richard Sinclair and Ambassador for Arms Control and Counter-Proliferation Ian Biggs and other dignitaries at the weekend.

IAEA and ANSTO partner to support women in nuclear science and technology

This week women in science from 16 countries came together like never before. Inspiring women, young and old, were the first to complete the W4NSEC (Women for Nuclear Science Education and Communication) program that is designed to support women who are wanting to improve their education and communication skills in nuclear science.
